Break Free from the Ordinary: Your Blueprint to Be Extraordinary (Part 2)
Updated: Aug 9, 2024
In the previous blog we spoke about the four levels of consciousness and where you stand within these four levels. We also covered the nuances of level 1 and level 2. Today we are going into level 3 and level 4, and in particular I want to focus on the difference between being at level 2 and being at level 3.
As I explain these differences, honestly ask yourself, where you stand. A lot of people who are at level 2 are operating with the power of their mind. They understand that their mind can shape reality around them. They have focused directed thoughts. They may have vision boards, they practice creative visualization. But at level 3, a different nuance comes into play. As writer Joe Vitale explained "Intention is for wimps." The real art is when inspiration leads to intention. What Joe Vitale was talking about is level 3. At level 3, you are tapped into your inner core. You begin to understand that yes the world around you is real, but there's also a realness to the world inside you. You have a soul, you have a spirit, and this soul and spirit has a path for you and that path is unveiled to you through inspiration. And when your inspiration leads to your intention that is when life becomes more effortless.
So you see, what often happens to us is we set goals based on the voices of the culture scape based on what we think we want. The real trick is to set goals based on what flows through us from this inner knowing, this is level 3. Level 3 is about understanding and exploring the world inside you. Now you begin to go to level 3 when you incorporate a meditation practice in your life, when you start learning to listen to the voice within. When you bring in transcendent practices.
Level 4: Becoming Extraordinary, Break Free from the Ordinary
So, what is level 4? Well, level 4 is an edge above level 3, level 4 is when you're listening to your inspiration. You are setting your intention based on your inspiration. But you are deliberately focused on fixing and improving the world. You're no longer crazy about creating a business just because you are going to get rich or just because you're going to get fame. You seek to do something that can improve the state of being for as many people and life as a whole as possible. That's playing at level 4. Level 4 is whole other game.
Imagine a world where your existence is a ripple in an ocean of consciousness, where your actions ignite a chain reaction of positive change. Here, you're not just fulfilling your destiny; you're co-creating the destiny of humanity. It's about more than personal growth; it's about planetary evolution.
Consider the Tzu Chi Foundation. Born from the compassion of a single monk, it's a testament to the power of a heart-centered mission. These individuals weren't seeking fortune or fame; they were driven by an irrepressible urge to alleviate suffering. They embodied Level 4 consciousness.
When you operate at Level 4, your life becomes a symphony of interconnectedness. Intuition becomes your GPS, inspiration your roadmap, and magic your constant companion. You're not just living; you're thriving.
The first thing is you feel a deep sense of connectedness with all life. you start to truly give a damn, not just about the people in your backyard, but the people all around the world. The second thing is, you are tapped into your intuition. You have that inner knowing, that inner voice guiding you. Third, inspiration drives your intention. That inner voice helps you decide what goals you want in life. Your goals are not derived from the voices outside, but the voice within. And, number four magic happens. Luck is on your side, it seems that a benevolent universe has you in its embrace and life unfolds magically for you. That is the nuance of level 4.
The point of this series of blog post about becoming extraordinary is to elevate you up these scales of human consciousness. So, I want you now to open your journal, I want you to think about the four qualities of level 4. Now, you may not have to be at level 4, and remember you move up and down these levels. You may have months where you're operating at level 4 and months where you may dip a little. But every time you experience one of this levels, it creates a memory, it creates a remembrance and it's easier to get there. Now level 4 means consistent application of these four qualities. I want you to pick any of these four or all of these four and write down the moment in your life, I want you to recollect and write down the moment in your life that you feel best put you at these heightened states.
The four qualities are a sense of connectedness, you really felt that you had a compassion for all life around you. Second, you were tapped into your intuition that inner voice was really guiding you. Third, inspiration was driving your intention. You were setting goals that were coming from your heart. You didn't give a damn what the status quo thought and four you felt that there was a magic, that there was luck guiding you. What was your elevated moment of existence? What was this memory for you, write it down in your journal.
Exercise for today, keep doing the segment intending exercise, how you want today or tomorrow to unfold for you ( If you are not aware or reading this blog post first, please refer to the previous blog Break free from ordinary to learn about segment intending exercise). Second, write down a time when you experienced one of the four qualities of Level 4.
Remember, progress is not linear. You'll ebb and flow between these levels. But every experience enriches your journey.